Hyperic SIGAR

SIGAR – System Information Gatherer And Reporter(系统信息收集报告器):SIGAR是Hyperic HQ主要的数据收集组件。这个软件用来从许多平台收集系统和处理信息,这些平台包括:Linux, Windows, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, FreeBSD and Mac OSX。SIGAR是用C语言编写的,但Hyperic提供C,C#,Java和Perl APIs,用来把SIGAR结合到它们的应用程序里。SIGAR组件遵循GNU GPL许可,与Hyperic监控代理分开发布,用于第三方应用程序。Sigar API 提供一个方便的接口来收集系统信息,如:







Hyperic SIGAR的命令行使用例子

; java -jar sigar-bin/lib/sigar.jar
Loaded rc file: 
sigar> help
Available commands:
        alias        - Create alias command
        cpuinfo      - Display cpu information
        df           - Report filesystem disk space usage
        du           - Display usage for a directory recursively
        free         - Display information about free and used memory
        get          - Get system properties
        help         - Gives help on shell commands
        ifconfig     - Network interface information
        iostat       - Report filesystem disk i/o
        kill         - Send signal to a process
        mps          - Show multi process status
        netinfo      - Display network info
        netstat      - Display network connections
        pargs        - Show process command line arguments
        penv         - Show process environment
        pfile        - Display process file info
        pinfo        - Display all process info
        pmodules     - Display process module info
        ps           - Show process status
        ptql         - Run process table query
        quit         - Terminate the shell
        route        - Kernel IP routing table
        set          - Set system properties
        sleep        - Delay execution for the a number of seconds
        source       - Read a file, executing the contents
        sysinfo      - Display system information
        test         - Run sigar tests
        time         - Time command
        ulimit       - Display system resource limits
        uptime       - Display how long the system has been running
        version      - Display sigar and system version info
        who          - Show who is logged on