Foglight: "A copy of the Catalyst is already running from the installation"


如果启动Foglight 时遇到:

FATAL [native] A copy of the Foglight is already running  from the installation in /work/quest/Foglight5611. Only one copy of the  Foglight can be run from this installation directory at any one time.


1. 检查 Windows Services 或UNIX , 运行下面命令查看是否有Fogliht进程

ps -ef | grep -i Foglight

2. 如果有相关进程,使用kill -9 杀掉这些进程。然后检查 $FGLHOME/state 目录是否有 pid文件,在unix下, ls -a 列出隐藏文件

如果有pid文件,删除。 然后启动 Foglight Server.